- DIPS provides integrated learning rather than mere syllabi. Gives diverse platform to learners.
- Understands individual differences and partners with parents accordingly.
- Each learner is unique and has a right to meaningful education and acquiring it with joy.
- Each pupil responds better to teacher as facilitator rather than preacher.
Assessment of Students
The school follows continuos and comprehensive evaluation. There is no formal examination for Pre-primary and Junior school. However, 'Weekly Cycle Tests' are held throughout the year to encourage intensive learning. The session is divided into three terms and the class teacher and subject teachers continuously monitor the child's progress. Commendations are issued on a weekly basis to encourage excellence in academics. Certificates and medals are awarded at the end of the year to the 'Honours' or most 'Promising' students.
For Classes VI and above the session is divided into two terms. Cycle tests are conducted throughout the year and at the end of each term, there is a formal pen-paper test or Summative Assessment. There are two Summative Assessments in an academic Session and each carries 30% weightage in the final result. All the year round there are activities, assignments, projects, etc which are a part of Formative Assessment (two for each term and four in a session) home assignments, classroom behavior, attitude to towards peers, school etc. also forms a part of assement.
From Session 2015-16 Management Will Be Awarding Scholarships To The Following :
- Biren Kundu Scholarship Award to First most promising student, who achieves highest marks in Secondary Board examination. The scholarship carries amount of Rupees Twelve thousand.
- Abirlal Sengupta Scholarship Award to second most promising student who achieves 2nd highest marks in Secondary Board examination. The Award carries amount of Rupees Ten thousand.